Mystery shopping will accurately reveal strengths and weaknesses of your business. With Hello Motivation we can help you to strengthen your strong points and eliminate those not so strong.

We don't lecture, we train. And you grow.

Hello Motivation helps you create an educational activity based on the results from mystery shopping. All activities are focused on practical training and simulation of real situations, including follow-ups. This leads to a quick remedy of shortcomings and prevents repitition of mistakes.
We don't lecture people, we train them. In each training, we utilize role-plays, video camera and practical sample situations presented by customers and participants.


The content of the training always meets your requirements and needs, including the needs of your employees.


  • Leadership
  • Delegating
  • Assertiveness
  • Presentation skills
  • Sales skills
  • Conflict solving
  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Mentoring
  • Coaching
  • Stress management
  • Change management
  • Feedback
  • Effective meetings
  • Time management
  • ... and many more.



As a part of cooperative preparation for training, we will introduce you and your company's management to the lecteur, and present a demonstration lesson on a topic chosen from a training plan.


Cinema city
+420 721 759 164